Saturday 18 July 2009

Cash or Loan For Your Next Car

Paying cash for a car vs taking out a loan when purchasing a vehicle is a big decision and involves a lot of money. There's always the questions of whether to go used or new, buy or lease, finance through the dealership or the bank or to even pay cash and avoid payments. On the matter of automobile loans it seems like they've really become a part of everyday life; it would almost seem strange not to have a monthly payment. We've become use to the idea of a loan that allows us to enjoy a car sooner than we might have been able to. But how much do we pay for that convenience?So what does taking a 5%, 60-month loan actually costs you over 5 years:With $5,000 down payment with a loan of 5% over 5 yrs equates to a loan balance of about $15,000 = $2,025 in interestWithout the down payment and a starting balance of $20,000 = $2,685 in interestNot a huge difference, but the down payment dropped the monthly payment by $100. In both situations, the cost of the loan would run about 13.5% of the loan value. You can think of that 13.5% as a hidden tax on the car, which is more than the sales tax and other fees that get tacked on. Over a lifetime those interest payments can really add up. Aside from leasing, buying a car outright is your only other option. Why don't we buy new cars with cash more often?Because we are in a "I want it now" world,you could pay $330 dollars each month into a high-yield savings account for 5 years and buy a truck without getting a loan and saving yourself over $2000 dollars and earning interest on your deposit in the process. So why don't you? Mostly because people want a new vehicle sooner than later. You could even have replaced your car with a newer used car .The trade-in acting as a down payment is what keeps this from being outrageous, actually these numbers don't seem too bad. $21,500 in interest payments over a lifetime isn't too big of a deal. To accomplish the task of providing our own financing we have to delay our gratification and save. For the 5 years prior to a car purchase, we deposit the total cost of $60 into a high yield savings account every month, about $333 for a $20,000 car. The interest earned on the savings earmarked for a new car can be transfered to other investments for additional growth after the purchase. So by delaying the first car purchase and continuing that discipline we've saved $21,500 in interest payments, or have we?What would happen if we took every dollar we would be giving to a bank in interest and invested it in a Roth IRA (all contributions and earnings can be pulled out tax-free during retirement). $21,500 over 50 years is $430 a year, $36 a month. That's money we'd normally be giving away so why not invest it instead. Let's say our IRA starts with a $0 balance, grows at 8% and we don't worry about inflation yet.Amount invested = $21,500 Simple earnings = $43,860 Compund earnings = $201,099 Total account value after 50 years = $266,459 .This tho is a hypothetical situation, but the outcome and general idea are pretty clear. By delaying a car purchase and avoiding interest payments we are presented with the opportunity for incredible growth over the long term. Even without investing the difference you can save a good chunk of change. This scenario doesn't take into consideration a longer period between purchases or the possibility of buying used cars, both of which would allow more income to be directed towards investments.This is not the absolute best way to purchase cars, but the hidden costs of automobile loans aren't apparent until you crunch some numbers.

Dave Burton

Saturday 11 July 2009

America's Most Fuel Efficeint Cars

The #1 most efficeint car is the Toyota Prius which returns 48 mpg in the city and 45 mpg on the highway these cost $22,000.

#2 is the Honda Civic Hybrid which gives you 40 mpg city driivng and 45 mpg cruising the highway these will set you back $23,650.

#3 is the Smart ForTwo car this gives you 33 mpg around the city and 41 mpg on the highway costing just $12,235.

#4 VW Jetta Sportswagen TDI (29 mpg city, 40 mpg highway) $23,870
#5 Toyota Camry Hybrid (33 mpg city, 34 mpg highway) $26,150
#6 Toyota Yaris (29 mpg city, 35 mpg highway) $12,205
#7 Mini Cooper (28 mpg city, 37 mpg highway) $19,200
#8 Honda Fit (27 mpg city, 33 mpg highway) $14,750
#9 Chevrolet Aveo5 (27 mpg city, 34 mpg highway) $12,625
#10 Nissan Versa (27 mpg city, 33 mpg highway) $16,100
Dave Burton