Friday 13 March 2009

Freeway Driving

America's freeways, are perfect for getting from one place to another very quickly. Because of the high rates of speed allowed on these routes, it's imperative to follow good freeway driving etiquette so as to avoid impeding the flow of traffic. Here are a few basic steps to follow from the time you enter the freeway until you exit.

Accelerate gradually as you enter the freeway. Traffic is already moving at 55mph to 70mph so this isn't a time for sightseeing. The on-ramp usually gives you enough time and space to catch up with flow of traffic.
Merge left into one of the center lanes. Because the right lane is for slower traffic and those entering or exiting the freeway, you must use the center lanes for travel. Be sure to keep up with the flow of traffic in the center lanes when freeway driving.
Use the left lane for passing only. Once you have completed passing, merge right into one of the center lanes and resume travel. The left lane is not for cruising.
Merge into the right lane to exit the freeway. You will use this lane to gradually decrease your speed and prepare for using the surface roads

If you are cruising in the left lane rather than passing, someone behind you may blow their horn or flash their headlights. Don't get upset. This just means they want to pass and you are probably driving at the same speed as center lane drivers. Simply merge into the center lane and continue driving. This is good freeway driving etiquette and allows other vehicles to use the passing lane for its intended purpose.

Dave Burton

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